JetBlue Looks To Shrink, Offering Employee Buy Out Packages
Thanks Jetson
Not sure Jetson, I think the three Florida destinations out of Worcester have to be profitable for JetBlue??? Think they could maybe increase flights here.
On the other hand downsizing surely does not look good for Worcester at first glance.
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I think Worcester is fine. Everything at the airport is Atlantic Aviation run except the pilots and flight attendants (maybe the gate people too but can’t confirm that, someone can confirm that for me). The good news is that pilots and flight attendants JetBlue is not trying to let go as the package does not involve them so Worcester should be fine.
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Gate attendants are staffed via Atlantic Aviation as well. There are a select few JB employees in house such as the Station Manager, but 9/10 people servicing the JB flights are 3rd party contractors via Atlantic Aviation.