Barron’s Streetwise Podcast on JetBlue Changes
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The overflow lot that worcester state used to use across from the TJ Maxx facility is now for sale. I highly doubt the airport will buy it but it’ll be something to watch
Buying the overflow lot from the college makes sense but for whatever reason as others have posted here, they aren’t interested. I did a quick count and estimated that there are close to 500 parking spaces in that lot. That would increase the number of parking spaces at ORH by 50% immediately. Honestly, even if they did buy the lot, it would be empty the majority of the time like it is now as most of the year there is plenty of parking at ORH with the miniscule service we have now.
If you have more parking, they will come!!
I drove up by ORH today and it was literally a ghost town up there. Plenty of parking available too. I guess when you only have 2 flights going out there’s not really a need for much parking. I know I’ve said this before but the signage for ORH is horrendous. The signs at either end of Airport Drive (Mill Street and 122) look like signs you’d see at a used car lot on Park Ave. At the end of Goddard Memorial Drive there’s only a smallish sign. I commented a couple of weeks ago about how Manchester Airport has much more and better signage on 495, 93, Route 3, etc. than ORH does in comparison. Also, the roads leading up to ORH are in awful condition. I realize that is the city’s responsibility but I would think if Massport was really going all in on ORH they’d want to make the approach to the airport a little more attractive. I’m sure with their deep pockets they could kick in some $$$ to improve the roads and signage. If airline reps really are coming out to scout the airport I can’t imagine they are all that impressed with the roads and signs.
I think ORH should go for an entire re-brand at this point. I think one of the possible new names suggested for the airport at one time was Worcester-Metrowest Boston Airport. They have to work Boston into the name somehow. Manchester did it and they are just as far from Boston as ORH is and also in an entirely different state.
I like the re brand name. Metro west Boston regional airport. The roads are trash and the city should fix them, they are getting the money through taxes to pay for new roads. The airport needs more signage, big powerful signs.
I’m surprised at Jetson’s comments about parking. He’s usually very logical. However if he thinks airlines aren’t coming because there’s not enough parking? That’s the least of airlines considerations. Believe me, if there’s a demand for more parking, Massport will make it happen. Look what they did in just a few months to handle the Ft Myers flight. Added a couple hundred Parking spaces. And if they had an airline knocking on the door, watch how quick they’d convert the empty tie down area. Then a garage across the street. In other words, they have enough room for growth before they start buying parking lots. It’s bad enough to operate a shuttle, cost wise, why add to having to buy property to do it. Shuttle parking isn’t cheap, especially with so few passengers. They aren’t going to wait until a bus is full, customers won’t stand for it. so they’ll be making a lot of trips with near empty buses. No, the solution is build near the terminal with a garage.
As for former fan? Why the hell should Massport dig into their deep pockets to fund city road improvements? Why not dip into the millions of dollars Massport already contributed when they bought the airport. What roads are you talking about anyway? Rt122 is in good shape, route 9 at the bottom of Goddard just got repair, Mill st (besides the crazy painted line) is newly paved. Granted Goddard could use some help. Maybe if the state didn’t have strict sign policies, we might see signs like NH has.
Airlines don’t look at parking, roads, or signs. They look to see if they’ll fill seats at a good price. Until Worcester proves they will, we got what’s been dealt.
“Maybe if the state didn’t have strict sign policies, we might see signs like NH has.”
Tee Jay, that would be a valid point except if you read my comment I was saying that Manchester Airport, an out of state airport, has better signage in MASSACHUSETTS ON MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAYS than Worcester Airport does in Massachusetts, so the strict sign policies thing isn’t a good excuse.
When I was talking about the roads I was talking about Goddard Memorial Drive and Airport Drive. There are potholes and crappy patch jobs everywhere. Honestly, it doesn’t matter who fixes the roads or the signage, no one takes ORH seriously. If Massport got airlines in here to destinations that have worked in the past, the seats would be full. Instead they went after 3 legacy carriers, one of which is in financial trouble and will never expand here and two others with flights to NYC that are too late in the day and have extremely limited connection options that were doomed to fail from the start. Not to mention, for the first 12 or 13 years that Massport owned ORH there was virtually no marketing or promoting of the airport. Either way, ORH is getting close to being irrelevant anyways with every airport around us growing like crazy. How does Pease Airport have a better route map than ORH? Massport has to be losing big bucks running ORH and at some point the board over at Massport is going to start questioning why they are continuing to support a losing operation. It’s been almost a year and a half since there have been any announcements about new service at ORH. The airlines aren’t coming and there must be a reason. The proximity to other airports reason isn’t a valid excuse either. Manchester is 40 minutes from Pease and Pease is just over 45 minutes from Portland and they are all growing and adding all the same airlines. New Haven and Bradley are an hour from each other and both airports are booming. Something is keeping airlines away from ORH.
Worcester in general is just a crap shoot when it comes to roads. If you’re coming from the highway going to the airport, Salisbury street and Flagg street are horrible. The thing the city does is pretty much says “you have to fix where you did your work on the road. You don’t have to do it right, you just have to do it so a car can go on it.” I remember how bad Bailey road was for 4+ months and I’d have to drive on the other side of the road just to make sure my car wouldn’t go flying because of how bad it was and other people did it too. The city doesn’t care for the roads at all.
At this point I’m just convinced the state is using the airport as a tax write off. Massport doesn’t receive any state money and relies on a lot of stuff to make money. A lot of companies will own something to lose money on it and use that as a write off for a loss. They mentioned before they lose I believe 9-10 million a year on the airport. How many flights would you need a day for that to be profitable? Yes I know they’re working on the airport but still they can’t be hiding in the corner being quiet about why you own an airport for 13 years and only have 5 flights out of it when you should have 10-20 at the very least
Paul, I made that statement a while back, mass port needs a looser. Worcester is the looser. The government forces everyone to have a looser. Massport wanted the airport for that reason. We have what we have. South Florida owners and tourist will reap the benefits.
Get your popcorn ready, breeze and Avelo will be battling it out at New Haven. Breeze is adding flights out of New Haven to compete with Avelo adding flights to 10 destinations. Too bad ORH gets shut out of anything
Breeze will, better CEO and Breeze has more planes. Maybe Worcester will get a look when breezes crushes Avelo.
Its not even worth it anymore……..