Clark’s Comment 1 & 2

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Editor’s note: thought I had posted Clark’s comments earlier. Sorry!!


Wow, up to now, I thought my boy Rusty had his head screwed on straight. What happened? So, now he gets his comment elevated to a post whose administrator thrives on these types of comments to “promote” the airport, at the same time has “the former fan” all riled up.

His comment (now a post) has so many contradictions. If it’s true airlines aren’t stepping into Logan, how does he explain Allegiant (it’s they who vowed to never to fly out of Worcester again after being accused of being charlatans by the city, not Massport), Spirit, Frontier and Southwest? None wanted Worcester, but they sure were happy to accept the much more expensive cost terms to operate at BOS. Why? Simple. Because travelers are willing to pay more to fly out of BOS. Central Mass residents still have the Spag’s mentality. Speaking about Allegiant, if they had heartburn with Massport, why did they start flying out of Logan in 2020? Maybe the Worcester City and Business leadership should offer an olive branch and reach out to them asking for another chance after 18 years of exile, it’s a different City and airport today.

Lastly, in his follow up comment, he says – “The airlines want to come to ORH. But each time they do, Massport says “sure come on in, but x,y,z is required & you have to do a,b,c,& d for us in return if you want to fly flights into here.” Maybe he can be more specific, go on record and say exactly what x,y,z and a,b,c & d are. If he has inside knowledge, I’d love to see the details. Otherwise he’s blowing smoke up our rear ends with speculations. While he’s at it, since he has first hand knowledge on Massport’s “terms and conditions”, maybe he can share what those terms are to fly out of both airports, leases, landing fees, operating costs? I suspect we’d be real surprised of the fee difference between BOS and ORH. There’s no way an airport the size of ORH can apply the fees BOS applies.

I like Jetson’s comment about Worcester being cheap, that’s because of the Spag’s mentality, and locals not willing to pay for higher airfares to make ORH profitable for airlines. There’s not enough housing and developers won’t build, because people won’t pay appropriate rent for a decent ROI. As a result, WPI is buying 2 downtown hotels to meet student housing demand. A blow to the travel industry, DCU Center events, fewer people flying into ORH, etc.

I usually close with “in Rusty we trust”. I’m sorry to say, “in trust, we rust(y)”. Unless of course he comes back with facts to back his comments.


Wow, up to now, I thought my boy Rusty had his head screwed on straight. What happened? Did he drink the Former Fan koolaid? So, now he gets his comment elevated to a post whose administrator thrives on these types of comments to “promote” the airport, at the same time he gets “the former fan” all riled up.

His comment (now a post) has so many contradictions. If it’s true airlines aren’t stepping into Logan, how does he explain Allegiant (it’s they who vowed to never to fly out of Worcester again after being accused of being charlatans by the city, not Massport), Spirit, Frontier and Southwest? None wanted Worcester, but they sure were happy to accept the much more expensive cost terms to operate at BOS. Why? Simple. Because travelers are willing to pay more to fly out of BOS. Central Mass residents still have the Spag’s mentality. Speaking about Allegiant, if they had heartburn with Massport, why did they start flying out of Logan in 2020? Maybe the Worcester City and Business leadership should offer an olive branch and reach out to them asking for another chance after 18 years of exile, it’s a different City and airport today.

Lastly, in his follow up comment, he says – “The airlines want to come to ORH. But each time they do, Massport says “sure come on in, but x,y,z is required & you have to do a,b,c,& d for us in return if you want to fly flights into here.” Maybe he can be more specific, go on record and say exactly what x,y,z and a,b,c & d are. If he has inside knowledge, I’d love to see the details. Otherwise he’s blowing smoke up our rear ends with speculations. While he’s at it, since he has first hand knowledge on Massport’s “terms and conditions”, maybe he can share what those terms are to fly out of both airports, leases, landing fees, operating costs? I suspect we’d be real surprised of the fee difference between BOS and ORH. There’s no way an airport the size of ORH can apply the fees BOS applies.

I usually close with “in Rusty we trust”. I’m sorry to say, “in trust, we rust(y)”. Unless of course he comes back with facts to back his comments.

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One thought on “Clark’s Comment 1 & 2

  1. After reading the jet blue news this morning, Worcester airport should start sharpening the pencil and let the other interested airlines in. JB news is not promising, there future is getting grim. Worcester should be cut soon, if thy are scaling back at such a capacity. United airlines CEO in his last interview said that discount airlines are doomed.

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