Bird Strike
We flown the FLL flight as a family 10-15 times this year. Really is a great airport and flight. Today, however, is one of those days that you just have to wonder what is the plan for ORH.
We understand weather delays and every other sort of delay, but we just do not understand not having to have a mechanic on duty and have to wait until one shows up??? Many times we have seen flights being delayed waiting for a mechanic to arrive.
Evidently guessing that today’s inbound FLL flight hit a bird , so by law (we are being told) the plane has to be inspected. Makes sense!!! What makes no sense, however, is there is no mechanic here so now we are looking at 3 1/2 hour delay???

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Airlines add and cut routes all the time. Jeez, at the same time that JetBlue announced their major expansion in the Northeast (minus ORH of course), they also cut service in several other cities. JetBlue hasn’t even started service in Manchester yet and it’s already been reported that they will likely be expanding there. And while I’m talking about NH, how is it that Pease Airport has better service that ORH now? Freaking Pease Airport… As far as the mechanic thing goes, JetBlue could easily use the onsite mechanic but their unwillingness to do so and delay travelers for over 3 hours just further proves they couldn’t care less about ORH or its passengers. Like I said in another post, the fact that JetBlue is going all in on New England but skipped ORH speaks volumes. Massport thought JetBlue was going to be the savior that saved ORH and JetBlue figured out that they can just do the bare minimum and no one will say anything. If JetBlue does expand in Manchester that will just be another nail in the coffin for ORH. I still can’t understand how Massport can be so successful at Logan and fail so miserably at ORH. And again, the whole parking thing is a joke. Plenty of parking the vast majority of time. Parking isn’t keeping airlines away. Massport already tried that excuse with CAT 3. Massport insisted they needed a new landing system to attract more service even though the FAA flat out rejected it. Massport builds it anyways trying to sell everyone that it will bring in more service, and here we are, 6 years later, and I’m pretty sure we don’t have anymore service now than we did before CAT 3 (and possibly less). The JetBlue flights to NYC were doomed from the start as they were never marketed properly. Delta and American shouldn’t both be flying to NYC either. I would almost bet my house that if American switched to DC or Charlotte and did some marketing, those flights would be hugely popular. Delta should be the one flying to JFK, way more options there than LaGuardia. Anyways, enjoy the JetBlue service while it’s here, because those same shareholders that allegedly won’t let JetBlue have a mechanic at ORH will be the same ones that will want service at ORH cut. Why continue flying into ORH when every other airport within a 40 to 50 mile radius of ORH is expanding rapidly? And I’ve already said that if ORH got better service, I’d be one of the first ones to come back. But if not, I’m perfectly fine using TF Green and now maybe Bradley and spending my money out of state.
I don’t buy airline stocks because they suck. I would want management to make cuts in order to get my return back if I did own stock. It’s been business as usual at Worcester Airport for the last ten years, it is what it is. If I have to fly out of Boston,PVD it is what it is. You want massport out, so you want the Worcester city council to run it? What a joke! They can’t even come to an agreement on the road design down the street from the airport. I would rather have something than nothing. If they close the airport It could become a shelter, be careful what you wish for.