Paulie Comment
Orlando is definitely more popular than FLL for the airport although both flights do extremely well. This isn’t a surprise at all and great for the airport. I don’t think there will be anything sacrificed because flying to Fort Myers or Fort Lauderdale in April for spring break is an extremely popular time to do it and getting rid of it wouldn’t make sense unless they have too like they’ve done in the past.
If they had to get rid of one, Fort Myers would mostly be it.
JetBlue likes the ORH-MCO route because the temporary cuts they do for 6 months from September to February, the FLL flight has more cuts than MCO and the MCO flights don’t have any cuts for November or December whereas FLL is 4x a week now till the end of October then back to 5x in November and then daily from around thanksgiving to mid January then back to 5x a week along with MCO until about Valentine’s Day when it’s back to daily
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Paulie Comment
Currently waiting to fly to Worcester from Fort Lauderdale right now. Flight is pretty full at least 90% according to...
I would think that’s two flights a day to Fll would work as well. What are the loads of the fll and mco flight in April?
This was the data from January to May for each flight into and out of ORH. Remember 5x flights a week in January and half of February for the Florida flights. Also loads up to ORH may reflect snowbirds coming home for the spring if they’re more than people going down. There was also people in January and February like myself who May have flown down out of ORH but flew back into a different airport because of no flights Tuesday or Wednesday
January: 85%
February: 92%
March: 82%
April: 88%
May: 83%
January: 85%
February: 83%
March: 92%
April: 82%
May: 92%
January: 72%
February: 83%
March: 85%
April: 80%
May: 74%
January: 79%
February: 76%
March: 91%
April: 81%
May: 90%
January: 87%
February: 92%
March: 79%
April: 76%
May: No flights
January: 68%
February: 79%
March: 91%
April: 88%
May: no flights
January: 21%
February: 33%
March: 26%
April: 34%
May: 24%
January: 24%
February: 22%
March: 28%
April: 32%
May: 24%
January: 40%
February: 54%
March: 50%
April: 54%
May: 57%
January: 48%
February: 50%
March: 57%
April: 53%
May: 58%
Worcester got a nothing burger in April. Worcester airport should have two flights a day to Fll with an overnight flight to PR. JB should be flying to Tampa, WP beach as well. Mass residents love to vacation and own property in FL. Most residents will leave Mass completely and move to the country of FL, and family members will visit.
Wow, very surprised at the FL numbers. When I fly that route it’s usually a full flight. Maybe the flight times affect the flight percentage. The Fl flight must make them money in regards to connections in FL