Delta ORH to MCO (Orlando) Does Not Work
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You would think this would be an easy connection and that Delta would be very competitive.
I was wrong
- Depart ORH 4:45AM Arrive MCO 10:32 PM with one layover LaGuardia
- Depart MCO 8:00AM Arrive ORH 3:35 with an Atlanta and LaGuardiastop (2 layovers)
- Tickets were over $1600 round trip
Is the time too late arriving at LaGuardia???
Does this all go back to the fact we should have Delta not to Philly or LaGuardia, but Atlanta???
Does anyone know what destination people are flying to with Delta out of ORH?
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I posted this on the other blog as well:
Looks like there will be a JetBlue schedule change at ORH on September 6th, 2023. It appears that as of that date there will only be one flight per day on JetBlue to JFK departing ORH at 8:20pm. It’s on the JetBlue website. I decided to give ORH another shot and I found the schedule change while trying to check out fares from ORH to Fort Myers. With that new schedule there’s no option to get to Fort Myers without overnighting at JFK so I’ll once again be booking out of TF Green. Arriving at JFK at almost 9:30pm pretty much kills most connection opportunities so that will probably eventually be the end of that route. I could go on Delta but that wouldn’t get me into Fort Myers until after 11pm so that was a definite NO also.
It’s disappointing to see all the airports around us adding service while ORH remains stagnant. There’s got to be a reason no airlines want to come here or improve the service they have here.
(Update: It appears that this schedule change will last for approximately 2 months. It doesn’t make a ton of sense as the JetBlue JFK flights appear to be stuck at about 50% passenger loads. This will just further drive people away from ORH to other airports thus decreasing the passenger loads even more.)
Delata is changing their departure time to 330 in May, this should correct the problem. Delta limits connection time to 4 hours which causes connection problems from multiple destinations on the return flight.