Jetson Comment
I was at Logan yesterday picking my wife at terminal E and it was a disaster. The airport is under extreme construction and congestion. On top of the airport mess, the tunnel is closed and the traffic is backed up into the terminal. Worcester should have 20 departures and arrivals, to alleviate the stress at Logan.
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I work for a client down near Bridgeport, CT and let me tell you, there are Avelo advertisements and billboards everywhere. Its no wonder why they are doing so well. They know how to do marketing and more importantly, they are giving the people there flights to desirable destinations. I remember seeing the question and answer thing with Avelo here on the blog a couple of weeks ago. It was good work getting them to answer some questions but I basically took their answers as them nicely saying we won’t be coming to Worcester Airport anytime soon, if ever. Honestly, if I had to guess, I’d bet they go to New Bedford Airport before they would come to Worcester. That would open them up to the Providence area where they could siphon some business off of TF Green and my understanding from friends down in the New Bedford area is that they are going to build a new terminal and control tower at New Bedford Airport so there’s that too.
Either way, we’ll be left dealing with table scraps at Worcester Airport for the foreseeable future. I just booked out of Providence to go to West Palm Beach in September. The Worcester flight through LaGuardia wouldn’t get me there until almost 11pm and coming home I’d have an almost 3 hour layover at LaGuardia at 8am and that was a definite NO. If it was an afternoon 3 hour layover I could probably deal with that by getting lunch and having a couple of drinks, but what am I going to do at 8am at LaGuardia? Also, any other return flight options would have required me to make 2 stops (Atlanta, LaGuardia) to get back to Worcester. So, like I’ve been doing since I moved back out this way I’ll just continue to use TF Green. It’s really not a bad drive to get there. You take 146 down to 295 which completely avoids Providence and also takes you pretty much right to TF Green. And if you reserve ahead of time, parking is like $12 a day. All that is worth it to me to be able to get to and from my destination at reasonable times and usually at a reasonable price too.
I had high hopes for Worcester Airport when I moved back here. I thought that there would at least be some more and better options there, but for whatever reason, that’s not the case.