Rusty & Freight
Freight is coming. It’s been in the works for some time. A long time. It’s purposely being kept on the hush due to NIMBY concerns. The past has shown that NIMBY groups have a lot of power in Worcester politics & MassPort isn’t taking any chances.
Don’t expect any major press, just flights showing up all of a sudden. Let the NIMBY’s put 2+2 together after it’s already started. Much harder to stop then. Before you ask, no I won’t share any further details until MassPort is ready. If you want ideas, take a look at the Fiscal ‘23-‘27 from MassPort for ORH. A lot of those projects have cargo written all over them.
Expect Andy Davis & others to Openly deny any plans or expansions until they outright announce them. Hell he openly denied it to me last time we spoke. But others in the know aren’t so tight lipped.
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Given that passenger flights at ORH remains the Commonwealth’s most closely guarded secret, freight makes sense. Particularly with Ma,axon facilities in walking distance.
In reference to the absolute lack of knowledge that ORH has passenger flights every day, people have bemoaned a lack of marketing. They are correct.
A sign at Polar Park is a small start but please, fish where the fish are. Thousands of people go through Logan airport every day. THAT IS WHERE TO MARKET!
It should be pretty easy to get into the choice set of someone dragging luggage thru Logan and standing in one line and another, all after getting up before dawn and still getting stuck in traffic gridlock.
If they are delayed they have even more time to see the ads and think about how much easier ORH is.
Get them again when they pay for huge parking fees on the way out and even at baggage claim.
How difficult is this?
How can they deny plans when Massport put a public bid to develop on the airfield last year? Obviously their not announcing anything because there’s nothing to announce. Since Rusty seems to be the only one to have a realistic finger on the pulse of all things ORH, and a direct line to Andy, maybe he can hit him up with a few more questions and report back. In Rusty we trust!
As for Will, if ORH is the Commonwealths most closely guarded secret, why are the Florida flights chocker block full all the time even when they added 60 seats? Vacationers are tripping over each other to get on planes. Business travelers, not so much. And they got punished with JetBlue pulling the JFK flights.
And if you think advertising at Logan is the answer, United, Spirit, Allegiant, Frontier, Southwest, and even AA, JB, and DL will go rip$#!t. Logan promotes their own airport. So what if Massport owns both ORH and BOS. The airlines that operate there will not tolerate promoting another airport. Do you see Price Chopper ads at Big Y? Now, putting a billboard saying “ if you flew out of ORH, you’d be halfway to Florida by now!” at the entrance to the Ted Williams tunnel where drivers will have several minutes to stare at it in notorious traffic, then that will send a message!
Clark- those airlines don’t own Logan. MassPort does. And those airlines might start to consider whether they could run flights at ORH. Price Chopper isn’t owned by BigY
Coke and Pepsi both advertise at Logan. Santander has ATMs by boards running Bank of America ads. MassPort collects the ad revenue.
That said your idea about the tunnel ad is genius. I hope that MassPort listens
A Direct Line to the airport director? No. Not at all. We’ve just had more face to face conversation over time than most users on this blog I would imagine.