Amazon air cargo service takes wing at Manchester-Boston airport
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from November , 2022
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Bring on the freight planes. The airport needs to be used for more than three to four flights a day. 32 million dollar landing system three to four flights a day.
Two flights diverted today to Boston. Over 350 passengers trying to fly out of Worcester. Long weekend, full planes, everyone needed to drive to Boston. My friend was on the Fll plane. He lives in Grafton. He was pissed and going to give up on Worcester. Two weeks ago Orlando flight cancelled, passengers had to drive to Hartford. The same day another friend was flying to Fll, almost needed to fly to Boston. No gas at Worcester airport. Last min gas showed up. What a joke, JB flying five days a week, we lost two days. Boston is just too close to Worcester. Massport should re purpose the airport. Sell it to Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos
Slight add on to Jetson’s comment. 3/4 flights diverted today. Both JetBlue’s and the American flight. The JetBlue flights diverted to Boston and the American to Albany because of low visibility in the area (it was extremely thick fog up there today). The American flight did come back but JetBlue is not canceling either flight but instead flying them out of Boston. If everyone had to drive or find a way to Logan like Jetson is saying, I’m very surprised that they didn’t offer a bus for the passengers to go from Logan to ORH and vice versa since they were the ones that changed the takeoff location. Little disappointed about that especially for JetBlue. Was thinking about it too how it’s the long weekend and very bad timing for it. Both flights are expected to leave around 9pm from Logan to their destinations in Florida but very bad especially for some who might be traveling with the airline for the first time out of ORH which usually there’s a couple of people that do that.
Hi Paul, I appreciate you running this blog. My friend decided to drive to Logan. I don’t know if JB bused people from Worcester to Logan. I understand the fog situation, doesn’t the 32 million dollar landing system help aircraft land in fog. Passengers leaving tonight at 9 pm and getting to Fll 1230 ish, is crazy late for a three day weekend for most. Paul, you fly to Fll, it’s not Logan, at 2 am the place is busy and I 95 north is crazy as well. Sucks this is happening.
I don’t run the blog, I just comment on it often. That’s Bill who runs the blog. Fully agree with the timing and the landing system. $32 million and only delta can land. JetBlue’s planes are fully capable of landing using the cat III system, not sure about American’s. Getting to Fort Lauderdale and Orlando at 1am is 100% bad not only for being so late but because like you said, I-95 (don’t forget about I-4 as well) is crappy especially since in FLL, there are so many clubs, casinos, nightlife places etc. safety is an issue because all it takes is a couple of drinks and people thinking they’re still capable of driving and it becomes hazardous. I’ve seen it plenty of times down there and have seen plenty of wrecks.
Logan pm rush especially for the long weekend must’ve been crappy. I’ve (somehow) have had good luck flying in and out of Logan when I’ve had too but I’ve only flown in or out on a Tuesday (least busiest travel day) and in the morning or afternoon. For a travel day on a long weekend, I hope JetBlue have some sort of compensation to the people on the flights for the delays and switching of airports because I’d be pissed if my flight got delayed 8 hours and I had to drive an hour or take a different mode of transport to Logan. They had the chance to fly into ORH later in the afternoon because delta did that around 4 and left around 5/6. Bad on JetBlue’s end
Thank you Bill for the blog. JB should have waited an extra hour. If delta landed JB could have as well. I forgot 595/4 and all the nightlife that contributes to the traffic.
Got a little update, Sunday I noticed that there were a couple of trucks from Cardinal International heading towards the airport and this evening when I was driving by around 7pm, the trucks were at the airport getting ready to head towards the runway. That company’s main job is they go to airports and put grooves in the runway so water can go through there and prevents standing water so it’s easier for planes to land when the runway is wet. That tells me that the second half of the runway rehabilitation must be close to done. I know it was mentioned by Massport that the work was expected to be done by early November so it definitely seems like it’s on pace for that. Unsure if taxiway work is being done (hard to tell) but if it hasn’t, hopefully it starts soon.
Is there any chance of the AA flight to JFK changing to early AM departure from ORH 6am and late night arrival after 8pm? Similar to previous jetblue flight… Would be great if airport can push for this so we can connect with AA and oneworld international network.
Massport has released a bid for construction of an ‘Overflow Parking Lot’ at Worcester. Budgeted for $1M. Bids due 10/18 so just a few days from now. Unsure if this is an all new lot or rehab work on one of the existing 2 lots. $1M is a-lot for an existing lot, so hopefully they’re adding additional parking.
With the highest inflation in over 30 years 1mil doesn’t get you much. I would say repairing the existing lots. 100×50 foot driveway today is 35k. Hopefully it is for another lot. I would say to construct a 100 car lot today, it would probably cost 2-3mil clearing the trees, excavating, draining issues, tying in to the city sewer lines etc. Just my opinion. Another inflation example that I’m running into, 4 years ago I asked a company to give me a price on a large flat center pitch roof, the cost was 22k four years ago, as of last week the cost was 42k.