JetBlue’s Long-Desired West Coast Focus City Dream Dies in June
Crankyfiler More news that bodes well for increased JetBlue service at ORH
Great Interview With New JetBlue CEO
Click here For leisure markets, Geraghty said JetBlue would “repivot” on “core geographies” and deepen its network in those popular areas, which typically includes places...
Paulie Comment
I made a comment a while back when either Burlington got Breeze or when Manchester got Avelo and how Bangor and Worcester were the only...
Southwest & JetBlue Merger
JetBlue cuts flights to focus on ‘bread and butter’ routes – report
Good read Good news here is Worcester was not cut. If you ask us "bread and butter" routes for JetBlue are NorthEast cites to Florida....
Avelo 3 new routes
Paul Updates Parking
Fully went up to the airport and checked it out (after only driving by originally). The state trooper has moved next to the entrance of...
Comment From Paul On Parking
ORH is having issues with parking right now. State troopers had the lower lot blocked off and there were signs that said “temporary parking spots”...
Rusty Guest Post
You may or may not have noticed an announcement recently that Marty St. George will be taking over as President at JetBlue. This directly influences...