Another Great Comment
Actuallly two comments
Today’s announcement was what I was informed of. Based off times, i believe the flights are going to start mixing (arrive from one dest ex. FLL, dep to another ex. RSW). This is basically the norm at any airport with more than a few flights and is a welcomed sign, It allows for more diverse times for each destination & also requires much MUCH more complex aircraft & crew scheduling which shows JetBlue is committed to the long term with ORH. Otherwise, they’d continue their out & back approach. RSW flight starts seasonal bi-weekly then switches to Daily after 1 month. Expect this flight to become year-round, daily permanent after just one season. I’ve been told they’re already planning on it, it’s just being labeled seasonal to start in case it somehow flops.
Side note: All flights to ORH are switching to permanent A320 operations. This includes JFK. Will it make a difference for JFK? Probably not, but it will lower prices slightly as the per seat cost goes down. This is 100% due to E190 phasing out & has nothing to do with high demand. This of course means all MCO & RSW flights will benefit from A320’s seat count as well. As to why JFK flights are not switching to A220 operations, its simple. JFK is not an A220 base. Boston is the A220 base. Keeping all flights the same aircraft type simplifies crew scheduling & once again allows flight mixing (ex. a JFK-ORH flight can leave as a ORH-MCO flight)
Number 2
JetBlue is currently advertising ORH – Orlando & ORH to Fort Myers on the front page of the website when you go to book flights. If you load up Jetblue.com and click on book flights, it’s front & center. Very good advertising for those actually planning on booking to see these options prior to booking out of Logan or Bradley.

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JetBlue is currently advertising ORH – Orlando & ORH to Fort Myers on the front page of the website when you go to book flights. If you load up Jetblue.com and click on book flights, it’s front & center. Very good advertising for those actually planning on booking to see these options prior to booking out of Logan or Bradley.
Also, the 2nd JFK flight will be returning in the fall, and is able to be booked thru March 2024 (as far as the booking calender goes out) so looks like my info on it being dropped was partially wrong. Its only temporary for the summer per the JFK 10% Cut mandate. All 5 daily flights can be booked in 2024 online as we speak. Delta & American can also be booked thru 2024 as well. This means come 2024 there will be 7 daily flights out of ORH…not bad. Fingers crossed that JB makes RSW permanent and doesn’t drop it at the end of March when spring training ends. I know of multiple people who have ALREADY booked to RSW today alone.