Bitfly Comment
Is there any information on why FLL and MCO are not showing as daily flights on JetBlue’s website? Noticed that late summer early Fall, Tuesday...
Fort Lauderdale Flight Sunday, Bad Day For ORH
Weather was a problem yesterday and caused alot of delays for many people at various airports. We understand that... The ORH flight yesterday from Fort...
Avelo And Manchester????
I dont get it.. When you see the success Avelo has had in places like Wilmington and New Haven. It makes so much more sense...
CrankyFlier: Avelo Goes to Vegas
Good read
Tweed One Year Anniversary Tweet With Avelo
This is old but man 600,000 in one year with Avelo
February NYC Loads
JetBlue 58% to NYC 43% to ORH Delta 40% both ways American 24% both ways Now if we told you one carrier has since stopped...
Jetson Comment
Editor's note: Chalk up under huge opportunity missed by ORH I just read an article on NewsBreak. Massport is telling customers not to drive to...
Paul Comment
One thing that’s huge for ORH and the Fort Myers flight that I didn’t realize until just looking at it is Bradley, Boston, and Worcester...
Worcester Airport Loads To NYC
We will reserve comments today. Just look at the numbers for New York.. They are very compelling. Ironic however that JetBlue had the best numbers.......
Must Read: The Worcester Experience
Click here to read Real good!!!!!