Paulie Again
This was why the old Fort Lauderdale schedule was extremely convenient. Had 2 benefits:First, If you flew down to FLL from ORH, you had the...
BitFly Comment
Editor's comment: Now this would have been an interesting column in the Telegram today. Talking about what we need to make ORH a better airport.???...
Telegram Story On ORH
This is the second puff piece on the airport in the past couple of months. First the Boston Globe and not the Telegram. In comparison...
Paulie Comment
Alot of great comments this week. Please note we love the service out of Worcester, my wife, daughter and I must have take 10 trips...
Delta & American Loads
These JFK numbers are horrible. Delta LGA-ORH Mar 2023 - 41% Apr 2023 - 48% May 2023 - 53% Jun 2023 - 55% Jul 2023...
Ok knowing that we will be called negative for asking this question here goes..... It was our understanding that CAT III would enable planes to...
Carl Icahn
Jetson mentioned him in a comment. Lately I have been thinking about him? This guy now has a big say in what direction JetBlue will...
Updated Avelo Route Map
No reason ORH route map should look like this.
Orlando Diverted
Really does not seem that bad and we have CAT III? Meanwhile it looks like Fort Lauderdale is coming in. Maybe MCO was mechanical??? Update:...
Cranky Flier Must Read : JetBlue/Ichan
Final paragraph As of now, we don’t know where this is going, but it should make people nervous. Had this happened under the previous regime, I...